Growing up in a small town, I immersed myself in sports as the backdrop of my childhood. I was the kind of kid who didn’t quite mesh with the school crowd—shy, quiet, but exceptionally talented in sports. Hockey captured my heart initially, but as I grew, my passion shifted towards cycling. I excelled rapidly, and despite riding a modest $200 bike from the 1990s, I secured 4th place at the provincial U17 Time Trial Championships against top competitors. The following year marked a turning point; I won my first significant road race by an astounding seven minutes, averaging 40 km/h solo. My prowess on the bike quickly positioned me as one of Canada’s most promising cycling talents, dominating junior and U17 road races and even competing with professionals on the track.

Unfortunately, my ascending trajectory was halted by a series of concussions and a chronic knee injury that plagued me for four years. This period was marked by a deep depression, as I had pinned all my hopes and dreams on a professional cycling career in Europe. Facing a bleak future, I took up a job as a janitor and found solace and strength in the gym. It became my sanctuary, not just for rebuilding my physical strength and fitness but also for restoring my self-confidence. Over three years, the gym was pivotal in my recovery and rehabilitation.

This experience sparked a new passion within me—I decided to become a strength coach. My goal was to help athletes and everyday people alike overcome and prevent injuries through proper training and recovery protocols. I realized that the knowledge I had gained could have significantly altered the course of my cycling career. But to pursue this new path, I knew I needed to deepen my understanding and expertise.

And so, the next chapter of my life began, fueled by a desire to empower others with the lessons learned from my own story of resilience and transformation.

After my cycling career ended due to an injury that led to chronic pain, I fell into a deep depression and felt as if my life was over at 19 years old.

During this time, I discovered fitness and a strength coach who helped me escape from pain and get my life and mind back on track. He inspired me to pursue a career in strength coaching.

I then researched what was required to become a strength coach and realized I lacked the necessary education. This realization set me on a path to further my education, leading to two years of night school to upgrade my lackluster academic record and be accepted into a kinesiology program at university—a feat I had thought impossible. Growing up, I was often called dumb and stupid by teachers and was placed in a special needs class where I learned nothing and became a troublemaker out of boredom.

However, during my comeback, I pushed very hard and made significant improvements in a short period. Spelling was always a huge barrier, but I managed to overcome it and was accepted into three schools for their kinesiology programs.

After researching and talking to coaches I met, I settled on Sheridan College’s kinesiology program as my program of choice. It was small but offered numerous co-ops and practical courses, which I badly wanted to acquire hands-on skills from the start.

I had to work harder than all my other classmates to pass courses and did so with no financial support, going into a lot of debt. Despite these challenges, I excelled in classes related to strength coaching, achieving 90%s, while just passing everything else.

My education was not limited to the classroom. I sought out top coaches to learn from both at the college and externally. In my first year, I started powerlifting to understand firsthand what it took to be strong. I fell in love with the sport, setting a few college and Canadian junior records for squatting.

I also interned under some of the top strength coaches in the country at the University of Guelph for three years, eventually working up to being the assistant strength coach for the football team. I spent 30 hours a week there each year on top of school to learn as much as I could before graduating and hopefully landing a strength coaching position at a college or university in Canada.

Upon graduation, with experience both in and out of the classroom, I was one of the top strength coaching graduates of the program.

I quickly realized how difficult it was to secure your first strength coaching job and that the pay was very low. Having funded my education through loans, I had no money and needed a job while searching for a team to work with. Thus, I started as a personal trainer at Goodlife.

I impressed clients with my skills, ability to produce results, and care for my clients. However, I soon left to work for a larger health club, which proved to be a good fit. I slowly built up a roster of personal training clients focusing on fat loss and improving function, and on the side, I also started a powerlifting coaching business, both in-person and online, at another gym.

During this time, I continued to seek out top-level experts and learned from them. I took a total of 30 courses and attended many seminars. I noticed shortcomings in the fitness industry regarding trainers’ ability to achieve results for their clients, so I became obsessed with how to achieve better outcomes.

I researched diet and behavior change theory extensively, making connections that I then applied uniquely to each of my clients, propelling their results. I quickly became the top trainer in the company, booking 60-70 sessions a week and achieving the highest possible results for every single client I coached.



During the COVID-19 pandemic, I embraced the opportunity to pivot my career towards a full-time commitment to Primal, focusing on online coaching through platforms like Zoom. This period allowed me to build a robust roster of clients, driven by my ambition to elevate the standards of coaching and the quality of information available in the fitness industry.

With a personal shift away from powerlifting, I aimed to inspire others during the lockdowns, demonstrating that maintaining fitness and health was entirely feasible under challenging circumstances. To this end, I created home workout videos for Instagram and shared tips on training for various fitness goals, which resonated with many and led to a significant increase in people wanting to train with me.

This surge in interest catalyzed my mission to mentor other coaches, guiding them towards becoming more effective and skilled professionals capable of profoundly impacting their clients’ lives. Over three years, I taught numerous trainers, all while continuing to coach my clients and expand my online business.

My efforts have enabled dozens of coaches to enhance their skills, thereby improving the lives of their clients and mine. Having come full circle, I’ve recently refocused my energy solely on coaching clients, particularly in Mississauga. This shift has allowed me to significantly influence the community through fitness and strength training.

Combining this local impact with my online presence, I’ve leveraged cutting-edge systems developed over the past decade to create a vibrant community. This community is dedicated to changing lives worldwide, underscoring the transformative power of strength training.

Currently, I’m also pursuing ambitious powerlifting goals, aiming to achieve a drug-free total of over 2000 pounds in my powerlifting endeavors within a few years, and hopefully setting some records along the way.

Professional Achievements and certifications

Bachelors of Kinesiology and  health promotion in applied health sciences Sheridan college 

West side barbell certified strength coach 

AAS Strength specalist 

FST level 1

PN level 2 

Exercise muscle testing 

N1 education 

Won first race by 5mins plus 

Canadian JR world track cycling championships team 2011 and 2012

700lbs Squat Drug free at 23 years old 

Multipul National Records in the JR category in powerlifting 

Athletic Achievements