Deadlift is the number 1 exercise everyone needs to do
As a strength coach, powerlifting coach, and personal trainer for many years, I have helped 100s of clients achieve great results, and improve the there, strength and overall aesthetics of their bodies. Many people even coaches and trainers are very afraid of the deadlift
They will say it’s bad for your back, you will get hurt, it’s not necessary, etc. Any movement can cause an injury or put you at risk of one if not done properly and I mean any even an I ab machine
What many don’t realize is that they maybe didn’t take the proper approach to deadlift, I agree if you deadlift wrong and too heavy right away without building up the proper movement capabilities and strength the risk of injury can be very very high. However, there are a few concepts and ideas that I have used for years that have greatly helped my clients. Find their strength in the deadlift
Benefits of Deadlifting
• Works almost all the muscles in the body
• Are great movement for building muscle
• Increase bone density
• Increases metabolic rate
• Reduces lower back pain
• Increases in functional strength
MASTER the hinge movement pattern
They say a pyramid is only as big as its base and this holds very true with many of the core compound lifts, like the deadlift. This doesn’t just mean a pyramid of strength but a pyramid of high-quality movement and strength of the core, don’t fear very few gym goers start with a good base and jump right to the 3 big without building the right foundation
For many, this means reviewing what movement patterns that make up the deadlift are lacking or what muscles are weak
The two causes will generally be
Your core ability to resist flexion and your ability to hip hinge ( ie move through your hips)
Many ppl are very weak in the core and have not yet learned how to hinge and often then move with their lower back, vs the hip
This doesn’t mean we should avoid the movement it’s quite the opposite we need to do it!
How you may ask?
Regress and build vs start at the deadlift on day 1
In the strength coaching world, regression means to do an easier movement the movement you want to do so that the client learns how to do the movement safely
With the deadlift, there are many cool ways to do this
But they all come back to the good old RDL (Romaine deadlift for short), for many starting here will be good if you feel you struggle with it I would for a period start with something like back extensions or a glute bridge ( not hip thrust) as they isolate the hip more allowing you to focus on that before you make it more technical and complicated for you to do
The other thing we must consider is the ability to brace properly is huge for dealing safely
What a logical progression for a beginner to progress to a deadlift of the floor would look like
Band/ Dowel hinge with dowel up the back to keep the spine straight and teach the hips to lead
Loaded back extension
DB Romain deadlift
BB Romanian deadlift
Rack pull starting from just below the knee and working down 2 inches till mid-shin every few weeks
Trap bar deadlift high handle then switch to low handle after 4-6 weeks
Block pull starting at 6 inches working down two inches every few weeks
Deadlift OFF THE FLOOR!!
This seems tedious but I can tell you after a decade of teaching the deadlift this is the best way to start people off after going through this you will have a great base and flawless deadlift techniques
I recommend everyone starts with the basics of the dead bug wall hold for this and master the art of bracing in the belly well talking for over a minute then progress up from that to a dead bug, bird dog, and plank and then the world is your ostyer and get creative with your core
For some, an alternative to the traditional is best
The very tall especially this can hold, it may be better to use a different bar or implement to deadlift with vs the barbell
A trap bar is a great tool for this
Pulling with a traditional barbell from a block the racks can have a similar effect and can be a great movement to use for many
What does this mean for you?
That we should all have some type of a deadlift in our workout routine, what and how will vary depending on our training experience and movement capacity the deadlift is not to be taken lightly. You must always ensure you have a good hinge under load before you start loading up your deadlifts. Don’t shy away from loading your hips and spine, you need to move this way especially now with how much we sit and don’t move this makes lifting and moving in the gym even more important for all of us
We don’t want to shy away from moving our bodies through a range of motion we have full control over and, over time we can increase that range
Deadlifts are one of the best movements you can do in the gym They work almost every muscle in the body, along with the benefits of having a strong spine and core from doing these movements, you will increase your lean body mass, and improve bone density along with many other great benefits outlined above
I have found for many looking to lose fat particularly female clients heavy deadlifting increases testosterone greatly thus helping them improve their lean body mass but also lose fat, no you will not become the man or built like a man by doing this you will create a much leaner body doing this with a proper diet
If you found this helpful and would like to know more about deadlifting and how to do it without injury feel free to email me or book a call at the link below I would love to help, you!